
Reliable Alerts on Trend Reversals. Get my most popular Divergence indicator now!
Did you ever wanted to have a reliable indicator to spot trend reversals?
Explore divergences to identify profitable trade opportunities.
Get Email-Alerts with your customized buy and sell signals, or use autoview to trigger the trades.
Use the Indicator Package with Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities and Stocks.
  • Identify Price vs. Momentum or CCI Divergences - this will save you lots of time, because you don't need to clutter your chart with hand-made drawings to show you divergences.
  • RSI Filter - this will make your signals even more reliable because the filter adds an extra confirmation to the signals.
  • Alert Conditions - Just set up your alerts and then there is no need to wait in front of your computer. Never miss a profitable trading opportunity.
  • Create your personal Crypto-Trading-Bot with autoview and the AutoDivergence Study


Whats included:

Backtesting results: XBTUSD, Bitmex, 15min
Backtesting results: XBTUSD, Bitmex, 15min
Properties Dialog
Properties Dialog
AutoDivergence Study in Action
AutoDivergence Study in Action

Buy AutoDivergence Now! - here are the Payment Options

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$29 USD per Month, billed every month

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One Year

$19 USD per Month, billed every year and save 34% when compared to monthly payment

$348 USD  $228 USD

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